Wednesday, 16 January 2013

The Year Two Thousand and Thirteen

I'm not one for dwelling on the past, it always seems like there isn't enough time for planning the next adventure let alone spending hours on what has been and gone. So I'm not going to recap on 2012 only to say that it was another great year, and more and more everyday, it is starting to feel like the older I get, the better it gets.

Where are we at?

My personal life is amazing with the birth of Eleanor on the 4th Jan, I could not have dreamed of how my lovely wife has developed into the mother and partner that she is today. But I did know from the day I met Cathy that we would make beautiful babies. My son Callum is super inquisitive and is starting to question the world at every opportunity. On walks, Callum will always venture off the path and and is not afraid to walk straight into the bush or paddock, through the long grass and over any logs or hurdles he meets along the way. I can't wait to see what he has installed for us.

Professionally my career is a little stagnant but with a little training and focus I should be able zig-zag through the organisation and spark things up a bit in 2013. The people and pay are good i just need some more challenges this year.

When it comes to Fun and Fitness, I'm killing it at the moment. I can't believe its taken me this long to learn how to look after myself, I'm eating great foods, like grass fed beef, free range eggs, succulent tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini and herbs from our own garden. The whole family is getting enough sleep at the moment, its interrupted but we get the hours in at the end of the day. I using my time for fitness much more efficiently then I have ever done before. I still only get 3 - 6 hours a week to spend on fitness but I'm fitter, lighter and stronger then I have ever been. I've dropped those skin folds and I'm down to 78kg, nearly 10kg lighter compared to when I first started this blog. I did pick up the Paleo diet for a couple of months to get the weight loss started but I'm back to a more balanced diet that includes some bread and grains however only when I need them. I hit this website every couple of days, it has some great advice on staying healthy and happy in todays world.

The growing family will call for careful time management but I'm off to a good start for 2013 and poised for the exciting year ahead.

I'm doing a 50km pre season race this weekend, its a fun, fund raiser and a bit different as you have to race as a pair and stay together for the entire race. I'll be racing with Hamish so it promises to be a hoot.

Until next time,
Ride on!

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