Monday, 9 April 2012

Mont 24hr Analysis 2011/2012

Below is a little comparison between my 2011 and 2012 Mont laps. There are a number of variables between the two so its hard to draw solid conclusions however there are some good things to take from this table.

First here are a few differences between the years
- 2012 track was a little longer
- 2012 track had more single trail


 Lap #
 Lap Time
 Avg Speed
 17.8 km/h
 17.14 km/h
 16.61 km/h

 17.183 km/h

 18.28 km/h
 17.77 km/h
 16.83 km/h
 17.72 km/h

 17.65 km/h
 Speed Difference 11-12


The obvious difference is the 0.5km/h speed increase that I managed to maintain over 4 laps in stead of 3. This doesn't sound like much but on the track I felt much more within my fitness limits. I wasn't pushing nearly are hard to get these times and the result was very little fade between the first and last lap. I was able to complete longer, faster laps and more of them and maintain consistant times. I think the main result that I can take away from this is that I've got a little faster, which is great, but even better is that my legs have got a little longer so to speak.

This has been interesting so I'll try and get a similiar comparison going with the Tumut 3hr that I'm racing in again on the 29th April.

Just came off Easter long weekend, eat a little too much chocolate with the kids but I managed to balance it out a little and ride every day. Had a mix of short hard ones and a long/easy social rides.

Fitness Plan for the next month or so

Mon - Stromlo Hill Efforts x4 in big ring
Tues - Lunch time jog
Wed - Race Sim at Stromlo
Thurs - Lunch time jog
Fri - V02 Intervals at Bruce Ridge
Sat - Social ride
Sun - Rest/Light trainer session

Until next post,
Eat less chocolate :-|

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